Every single night throughout my childhood my father spent at least an hour tucking my brother and me into bed. Some of my best memories involve the outlandish stories that he would concoct during this nighttime ritual. I have decided to do the same with my girls. Although some nights all I want to do is kiss Madison goodnight and go sprawl out on the couch and read or watch TV, I know that I should take full advantage of her deep desire to snuggle, read stories, and sing songs (I realize it will not be long before she no longer even wants me to enter her domain - aka room). Two nights ago I decided to create my own rendition of the princess and the frog. She now requires my telling of this story at least five times per night. I figured I should definitely jot some of the stories down so that she can read them when she is older. Disclaimer: I use A LOT of adjectives for the simple fact that I know it will increase her vocabulary ten fold.
Jenny's Rendition of the Princess and the Frog
Once upon a time there was a magnificently beautiful princess who lived in a mighty castle that towered over a small village. The princess lived very lavishly, but was forbidden to associate with anyone outside of the castle walls. You see the stately king and queen were very protective of their only offspring. Her only friend was a wee frog that she had found down by the pond one spring afternoon. He became her confidant and she very much depended upon him (if he was indeed a him). One day the princess overheard the cook and the maidservant discussing their plans to eliminate the frog. (Devious British Accent) "He's always hippitie hoppitin around...driving me bloody mad," said the maidservant. "Yeah and once he even found himself hippitie hoppitin right into a bowl of my Yorkshire pudding...I shoulda taken care of him right then," said the cook. The princess was horrified. How could they possibly wish such harm to her best friend in all of the world. She knew she had to do something and quick. The princess took the frog far away into a lush forest abundant with ponds and lilly pads of course (for his recreational enjoyment). Tears rushed the girl's eyes. She decided that she must part with her dear friend with a kiss (MUHAA). Oh my something began to happen...the frog suddenly transformed into a gorgeous gallant prince. Oh MY!!! It was of course love at first sight and the two of them began smooching once again (MUAHH) and lived happily ever after. THE END.
"Again mama...the princess and the frog." - Madison - I love it.. it is tooooo cute.